2020 Beijing International Selenium-rich Agro-products & Functional Foods Expo has been successfully concluded on October 22nd

TAGS: | UPDATETIME: 2020-11-26

On October 22, 2020 Beijing International Selenium-rich Agro-products & Functional Foods Expo has been successfully concluded. During the 3 days, thousands of selenium-rich agricultural products from 19 provinces of China were displayed. More than 200 selenium industry enterprises, more than 20 industry associations and 15347 visitors gathered in Beijing to sell and buy selenium-rich agricultural products, seek business opportunities and negotiate cooperation. Authoritative experts in the field of selenium research, representatives of selenium-rich regional authorities and selenium-rich enterprises took the theme of "Healthy China with Selenium Industry", and carry out a peak dialogue around the present situation and direction of the development of selenium-rich industry, and discuss the future vision.

The show area of the expo reaches 5000 sq.m, including 220 booths. 200 companies from the selenium-rich area of China attend the expo. The exhibits include selenium-rich rice, selenium-rich noodles, selenium-rich water, selenium-rich friuts and vegetables, selenium-rich eggs, selenium-rich aquatic products, selenium-rich drinks and other products.