Functional Agricultural Products Committee of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation

1. Brief Introduction
Functional Agricultural Products Committee of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation (Functional Agricultural Products Committee for short) is approved by China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation and established with the consent of the department in charge. It’s a national non-profit organization composed by enterprises, institutions, social groups and individuals engaged in functional agricultural industry.
With the aim of coordination, guidance, innovation and development, FAPC provides the service of production and marketing docking, financing promotion and technical advisory, and organizes the activity of investment cooperation, project docking, inspection and observation through implementing the national constitution, laws and regulations and industrial policy. FAPC actively carries out domestic and foreign exchanges and cooperation to promote the development of functional agricultural industry, takes a role of bridge and intermediary for the communication and cooperation between government and enterprises, enterprises and market, and takes full advantage of overseas capital, technology, information, market and management to enhance the modernization level of China’s functional agricultural industry and promote the innovation and development of the industry.

2. Leaders of FAPC
Liu Jian, the Counsellor of the State Council and Former Director of the China State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Department and Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture
Tan Jian’an, Research Fellow of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Former Director of the Chemical Geography Research Office of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jin Zonglian, China’s famous functional food experts, Professor (grade II) of the College of Applied Arts and Science of Beijing Union University, Honorary Director and Consultant of Health Food Function Testing Center of College of Applied Arts and Science of Beijing Union University
Wang Guangzhi, Member of Expert Committee on Green Industry of the Investment Promotion Service for China of UNIDO, Vice President of Agricultural Branch of China Association of Senior Science and Technology Workers, Vice President of Wu Juenong Tea Study Association, expert of Special Government Allowances of the State Council
Wu Wenliang, Dean of Faculty of Resources and Environment of China Agricultural University, Director of Department of Ecology and Ecological Engineering, Director of Agricultural Ecology Research Institute, Head of the Organic Food Research and Certification Centre, Chief Expert of the Research and Demonstration Project of Ecological Agricultural Technology System of the National Science and Technology Major Project of China during the 10th Five-Year Plan Period
Lv Mingyi, Former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Farmers’ Daily, Deputy Chairman of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation
Guo Zuoyu, Former Director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Vice Chairman of China Association for the Development and Service of High-quality Agricultural Products, expert of Special Government Allowances of the State Council
Vice Chairman
Li Guiqun, Former Researcher of the Department of Market and Informatization of Ministry of Agriculture
Liu Jianshu, Director of Shaanxi Functional Food Engineering Technology Research Center, Distinguished Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University
Wang Xuesu, President of Shanxi Famous and Excellent Native Products Association
Li Bafang, Professor of the College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
Chen Wen, Professor of the College of Applied Arts and Science of Beijing Union University
Yin Xuebin, Leader of the Functional Agriculture Team of the University of Science and Technology of China, Secretary-General of International Society for Selenium Research, Head of Secretariat of China Functional Agriculture Industry Alliance
He Guoqing, Professor of College of Bio-systems Engineering and Food Science of Zhejiang University, Director-General of Zhejiang Food Society
Zheng Xiaohe, Chairman of Tianfang Tea Industry Co., Ltd., Member of the 12th National People’s Congress
Li Dong, Institute Director of Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources, review expert on health food of National Medical Products Administration of China
Li Jun, Director of Selenium Industry Office of Ankang City of Shaanxi Province
Yang Jun, Executive President of Hunan Se-enriched Biological Industry Association
Liu Xinqi, Chair professor of South China University of Technology
Ding Li, President of Science and Technology College of Hubei Minzu University
Wang Jianzhong, Professor of Beijing Forestry University, Institute Director of Resource and Food Research Institute of Beijing Forestry University
Yang Linsheng, Research Fellow of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Vice Chairman & General Secretary
Wei you, Deputy General Secretary of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation, Secretary-General of Tea Industry Committee of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation

3.Committee of Experts

4. Organizational Structure