Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa (3)

TAGS: | UPDATETIME: 2021-07-01

7. High in Important Minerals Like Iron and Magnesium

Many people don’t get enough of certain important nutrients.

This is particularly true of some minerals, especially magnesium, potassium, zinc and (for women) iron.

Quinoa is very high in all 4 minerals, particularly magnesium, with one cup (185 grams) providing about 30% of the RDA.

The problem is that it also contains a substance called phytic acid, which can bind these minerals and reduce their absorption.

However, by soaking and/or sprouting the quinoa prior to cooking, you can reduce the phytic acid content and make these minerals more bioavailable.

Quinoa is also pretty high in oxalates, which reduce the absorption of calcium and can cause problems for certain individuals with recurring kidney stones.

8. Has Beneficial Effects on Metabolic Health

Given its high beneficial nutrient content, it makes sense that quinoa could improve metabolic health.

To date, two studies, in humans and rats respectively, examined the effects of quinoa on metabolic health.

The human-based study found that using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free breads and pastas significantly reduced blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels.

Research in rats showed that adding quinoa to a diet high in fructose almost completely inhibited the negative effects of fructose.

However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of quinoa on metabolic health.

9. Very High in Antioxidants

Quinoa is very high in antioxidants, which are substances that neutralize free radicals and are believed to help fight aging and many diseases.

One study, researching antioxidant levels in five cereals, three pseudo-cereals and two legumes found that quinoa had the highest antioxidant content of all ten foods.

Allowing the seeds to sprout seems to increase the antioxidant content even further.